Book Excerpt
“But why now?”
“Yes, it is important that you know. Since your birth, we have protected you from having clear knowledge of your purpose. The Forces of Deep Vibration have little trouble in dimming the memories of the Gifted Ones when they are very young. It was hoped that your awakening could have been a few years from now, but time will not allow it.”
Erela’s violet coloured eyes sparkled with bright tears.
“If this is all happening earlier than originally planned,” Oriel frowned, “something must be really wrong."
“The Crystal Lights must be assembled, for there is a child who is being dimmed with savage intensity by the Forces. It is critical that he is awakened before it is too late. It will take great effort and many of you together with all your gifts.”
“You will find the others as you follow your guides. As you discover the others, the Crystal Light Force will become strengthened. But, take care, for this will create more fear in the Forces of Deep Vibration. There will be many challenges and you will need to overcome your own fears.”
“How will I know when I find the others and who is this child?” Oriel asked. |